2008-2009 DANCE TEAM

2008-2009 DANCE TEAM



Friday, September 19, 2008

Sweat Pants

Just an FYI. Please do not go purchase the sweat pants. There is a problem with the original pair that was picked out being recalled. Babbi is in Knoxville and found another option. She is going to purchase these for the entire dance team so they will all be the same. They are the same price $6.60 per pair.
We absolutely can not give out the sweat pants until they are paid for! Since Babbi purchased these, the booster club will reimburse her and you will need to pay the booster club. Please write your check to BHS Dance Team as usual for $6.60 and send ASAP. You are welcome to send it with your daughter to give to Jessica if you feel this won't get lost in the shuffle. Otherwise mail it.
The shirts will be purchased by the booster club. You are only responsible for paying for the sweat pants. These will be used again for a pep rally, basketball season, etc.
Reminder that if you owe the booster club, please send payment ASAP as we will have to start applying a late fee to all accounts that are past due.
Thank you,
Connie Leifheit
893-9347 home
631-0157 cell

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